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A Note on Financial Ratios: A Beginner's Guide
作者姓名:Frank Li, Janey Zhang
出版日期:2021/08/23內容長度:2 頁

This short note introduces all of the important and commonly used financial ratios, organized into five categories: (1) liquidity ratios, which measure a company’s ability to meet short-term debt obligations; (2) leverage ratios, which evaluate a company’s capital structure by measuring how a firm uses debt and equity to finance its operations; (3) efficiency ratios, which measure how efficiently a company is utilizing its assets and resources; (4) .....more

A Note on Income Statements: A Beginner's Guide
作者姓名:Zhichuan (Frank) Li; Janey Zhang;
出版日期:2021/04/12內容長度:2 頁

If you can understand football scoring or read a recipe, you can understand an income statement, with the help of this note. It is important to understand an income statement because it tells investors or any stakeholder of a company whether or not the company is making money. An income statement also gives information to company managers to make better forecasts and decisions.